The Anxiety Disorders Clinic for Children and Adolescents (TADCCA) at Aarhus University in Denmark
childhood anxiety disorders, adult anxiety disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), training in CBT, Cool Kids Program, group CBT, case studies, clinical case studiesAbstract
This article serves as an introduction to the two case studies in this issue of PCSP. The first is the single case of "Erik," a 12-year-old boy with cognitive difficulties and multiple anxiety disorders who was seen with his family in a cognitive behavioral therapy group program designed for children with anxiety problems. The second case study is one of the total group of six families in which Erik was participating; as such it includes a summary of Erik's case in the context of the other five who participated. The group was conducted by a combination of a senior doctoral clinical psychologist and eight students. They were part of a training clinic, called The Anxiety Disorder Clinic for Children and Adolescents (TADCCA), in the Educational and Research Clinic of the Department of Psychology at Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. This article describes the background and context of the TADCAA in which the two case studies took place.Downloads
Case Study
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