Pragmatic Case Studies and Evidence-Based Treatment: Research and Clinical Applications of a Computerized Outcomes Management System
outcomes management, computerized assessment, mental health treatment, pragmatic case study, learning systems, expected treatment response (ETR)Abstract
This article describes an outcomes management system, Polaris-MH, and its potential utility for supporting the Pragmatic Case Study (PCS) model for psychotherapy research proposed by Fishman. Polaris-MH is a computer-based system for assessment of adults in outpatient mental health treatment. It provides for the collection, storage, analysis and reporting of information on a patient’s clinical condition and progress. The system is grounded in research on dose-response, the phase model, and expected treatment response. This research foundation is described along with Polaris-MH development, structure, psychometric properties and clinical utility. Polaris-MH features are discussed in relation to the requirements of the PCS model.Published
Case Method
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